校网主页: https://jszy.zust.edu.cn/swyhxgcxy/zq2/main.htm
邮箱:zhaoq@zust.edu.cn; qzh@zju.edu.cn
个人简介: 赵倩,女,中共党员,博士。2018年10月毕业于浙江大学,获农学博士学位,同年11月在浙江大学从事博士后工作,2021年08月入职浙江科技学院。围绕保障我国农产品质量安全的重大战略需求,开展农作物逆境胁迫响应机理研究以及农产品质量安全分子诊断技术的研发。
(1)国家自然科学基金青年项目, 32301730, 2024-01 至 2026-12, 30万元, 在研
(2)浙江省自然科学基金探索项目, Q23C130004, 2023-01 至 2025-12, 10万元, 在研
(4)中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等, 2019M660140, 2019-11 至 2020-10, 12万元, 结题
(5)浙江省博士后择优资助, zj2019112, 2019-07 至 2020-10, 5万元, 结题
(2)国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31971819, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 58万元, 在研, 参与
(3)国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31871566, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 60万元, 结题, 参与
(4)国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31771688, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 63万元, 结题, 参与
- Zhao Qian, Wang Jie, Li Qing, Zhang Jiarong, Hou Ruijun, Wang Zhihui, Zhu Qian, Zhou Yifeng, Chen Yue, and Huang Jun*, Integrated transcriptome and metabolome analysis provide insights into the mechanism of saponin biosynthesis and its role in alleviating cadmium-induced oxidative damage in Ophiopogon japonicum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 210 (2024) 108634. (中科院二区)
- Hou Ruijun, Wang Zhihui, Zhu Qian, Wang Jie, Zhou Yifeng, Li Ye, Liu Huijun, Zhao Qian*, and Huang Jun*, Identification and characterization of the critical genes encoding Cd-induced enhancement of SOD isozymes activities in Zhe-Maidong (Ophiopogon japonicus). Frontiers in Plant Science 15 (2024) 1355849. (中科院二区Top)
- Zhao Qian, Guan Xianyue, Zhou Lujian, Asad Muhammad‐Asad‐Ullah, Xu Yanqiu, Pan Gang, and Cheng Fangmin*, ABA‐triggered ROS burst in rice developing anthers is critical for tapetal programmed cell death induction and heat stress‐induced pollen abortion. Plant, cell & environment 46 (2023) 1453-1471. (中科院一区Top, 高倍引论文)
- Zhao Qian, Guan Xianyue, Zhou Lujian, Xu Yanqiu, Pan Gang, and Cheng Fangmin*, OsPDIL1-1 controls ROS generation by modulating NADPH oxidase in developing anthers to alter the susceptibility of floret fertility to heat for rice. Environmental and Experimental Botany 205 (2023) 105103. (中科院二区)
- Zhao Qian, Li Qing, Lin Shuting, Hou Ruijun, Liu Jianying, Tao Yachen, Li Ye, Zhou Yifeng, Ye Zihong, Yu Xiaoping, and Huangjun*, De Novo transcriptome combined with physiological analyses revealed key genes for cadmium accumulation in Zhe-Maidong (Ophiopogon japonicus). Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (2022) 1078330. (中科院二区Top)
- Zhao Qian, Ye Yu, Han Zhanyu, Zhou Lujian, Guan Xianyue, Pan Gang, and Cheng Fangmin*, SSIIIa-RNAi suppression associated changes in rice grain quality and starch biosynthesis metabolism in response to high temperature. Plant science 294 (2020) 110443. (中科院二区)
- Zhao Qian, Du Xiaoxia, Han Zhanyu, Ye Yu, Pan Gang, Zhou Qifa, and Cheng Fangmin*, Suppression of starch synthase I (SSI) by RNA interference alters starch biosynthesis and amylopectin chain distribution in rice plants subjected to high temperature. The Crop Journal 7 (2019) 573-586. (中科院一区Top, 封面论文)
- Zhao Qian, Zhou Lujian, Liu Jianchao, Cao Zhenzhen, Du Xiaoxia, Huang Fudeng, Pan Gang, and Cheng Fangmin*, Involvement of CAT in the detoxification of HT-induced ROS burst in rice anther and its relation to pollen fertility. Plant Cell Reports 37 (2018) 741-757. (中科院二区)
- Zhao Qian, Zhou Lujian, Liu Jianchao, Du Xiaoxia, Huang Fudeng, Pan Gang, and Cheng Fangmin*, Relationship of ROS accumulation and superoxide dismutase isozymes in developing anther with floret fertility of rice under heat stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 122 (2018) 90-101. (中科院二区)
赵倩; 程方民; 刘建超; 潘刚 ; 快速检测水稻花药游离钙离子分布的荧光标记方法, 2016-06-03, 中国, ZL201610395026.X
- 指导全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类)荣获国家一等奖、省一等奖
- 指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202211057025)国家级
- 指导浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗人才计划)(2023R415010)
- 指导浙江科技学院大学生课外科技创新与实践项目(春萌计划)(2023CMLX093)